Most Popular Countries For International Students

If you’re planning on studying abroad, you should know that there are several countries that are among the top choices for international students. These countries include the United States of America, Canada, Germany, the UK and Australia. Each of these countries has its own set of advantages that make it a prime choice for many international students.

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United States of America

The United States of America has long been one of the most popular countries for international students to study abroad. With renowned educational institutions, global networks of professionals, and a stimulating learning environment, the United States is a destination of choice for millions of international students.

In recent years, the numbers of international students enrolling in the United States have decreased dramatically. Despite the declining number of international students, the United States continues to be one of the most important receiving countries for overseas students.

Higher education has long prided itself on attracting generations of international students. More than one million students from around the world attend American colleges and universities each year. It is also one of the country’s top service exports, generating $42 billion in revenue.

Historically, the United States has been a top destination for international students for research, professional advancement, and sociocultural engagement. But in the past decade, the number of international students enrolled in the United States has decreased, despite the growing popularity of foreign-born students.

While the political and social climate has played a part in international student decisions, the declines are being driven by a variety of factors. These include the increased cost of attending U.S. colleges, visa application processes, and increased competition from other countries’ higher education institutions.


In recent years, Germany has become one of the top countries for international students. The country has a rich history and economic perspective. It also scores well in the UN’s world happiness report.

German universities are known for their academic performance. They make sure that students are armed with employable skills when they graduate. This adds to their popularity.

German universities offer several English-language courses. These are particularly popular at the Masters level.

Many German universities partner with companies to ensure that students get practical knowledge. Also, the country is a hub for scientific and technological research. Consequently, German graduates are positioned to excel in the global market.

The quality of the academic staff is another reason why many students choose to study in Germany. According to the results of a recent survey, more than 80% of respondents chose Germany after hearing good things about it from friends.

The price of living in Germany is quite affordable. Moreover, transportation is readily available. Depending on where you live, rent costs can be less than a few hundred dollars a month. Nonetheless, a third of students will go abroad for at least one semester during their studies.


The United Kingdom (UK) is one of the world’s top destinations for international students. The country has many reasons for being so popular. Among these are its rich history and culture, a well-developed economy, and high-quality education.

As of 2015, the number of non-EU international students in the UK reached a staggering 400,000. Of these, 192,510 are studying full-time. In addition, 230,085 are taking part-time courses.

With a number of universities offering excellent opportunities, there is a plethora of reasons to choose the UK as your study destination. Whether you are looking for an undergraduate degree or a postgraduate degree, you can find a UK education program to meet your needs.

UK universities are widely recognized as a world class educational establishment. Many of them offer courses that combine multiple subjects into one. Consequently, a student can complete his or her degree in three years instead of four.

During their time in the UK, international students can also take advantage of the country’s vibrant, multicultural society. Most UK citizens view international students as partners rather than as competitors.

Moreover, international students are given the benefit of free medical care. Additionally, UK universities provide students with transportation and accommodation. Upon graduation, students are often able to secure a job in the UK.


Australia has long been a popular study destination for international students. The country has a strong reputation for providing high quality education and a safe environment. Its beautiful landscapes, rich culture and excellent job prospects are just a few of the reasons why students choose to study there.

There are over 40 universities in Australia, each offering a variety of academic programs and degrees. Students can also work part-time while studying in the country. This helps to pay for their studies, as well as provide extra money to cover living expenses.

International students can also apply for the Temporary Graduate visa, which allows them to remain in the country for a year after they graduate. A number of Australian universities offer scholarships to international students, which can be used to help offset the cost of tuition.

Some of the top schools in the world are located in Australia. Australia also has a variety of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Australia is a diverse country, with over 200 languages and nine distinct regions. It is also home to a wide range of wildlife and nature. In addition, it has some of the best beaches and surfing in the world.


Canada is one of the most attractive study destinations for international students. A combination of low tuition fees, top-notch universities and diverse education options has made it a popular choice. It also offers the chance to work in a world-leading industry while studying.

While studying in Canada, you have the chance to experience multi-cultural life in one of the country’s most welcoming and vibrant cities. From scenic landscapes to world-renowned institutions, Canada has something for every student.

The quality of life in Canada is consistently ranked as among the best in the world. With a thriving economy, friendly community, renowned institutions, and world-class healthcare, Canada is a great place to study.

The country’s booming post-study work opportunities are another reason for its popularity. This means that a large number of international students are able to work while studying. You can apply for a post-graduation work permit, which will allow you to gain valuable Canadian work experience.

There are a variety of scholarships for international students who study in Canada. Almost all of the universities offer a competitive package to international students. However, it is important to consider the local surroundings before you decide to study in a foreign country.


Poland is a fast growing country and one of the most attractive countries in the world for international students. Not only is it an ideal destination for study, it also offers a lot of career opportunities.

According to the OECD, more than one-third of adult Polish citizens had a tertiary qualification by the end of 2017, making it the top tertiary education nation in the world. While many of its universities do not boast the highest education standards, the country’s higher education system has been catching up.

Poland is known for its low tuition fees. The average monthly expenditure in the country is around 400 to 800 euros.

Its vibrant nightlife and culture is also a big plus. Students can enjoy a variety of bars and restaurants and experience cosmopolitan vibes.

Students in Poland can easily find part-time employment to supplement their studies. There are also various mentoring programmes in place to help new students adjust to the culture.

Another benefit of studying in Poland is its economical living costs. Tuition fees for public and private institutions vary, but they are relatively low. This is especially true in smaller cities where the cost of living is also lower.


If you are looking for a country where you can study abroad, France is a popular choice. It offers a wide variety of academic programs, which allows students to pursue courses in various fields. The French higher education system is also considered one of the best in the world.

In fact, French universities regularly rank high in international university rankings. This is attributed to a combination of factors we will be pointing out. One of the main reasons for France’s popularity is its academic reputation.

Another reason is its cultural and linguistic tradition. Approximately 250 million people speak French, making it one of the most spoken languages in the world. Many foreign students come to France with some grasp of the language from their school studies. However, it is important for students to be fluent.

Moreover, French is the official language of the European Union and the United Nations. It is also the third most common business language in the world.

Furthermore, it has an excellent transportation system, with high-speed TGV trains linking major cities. Students can travel for free outside of the city centre. Besides, the country’s crime rates are low, and it has a healthy and friendly social atmosphere.

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