How to Make the Most of Your Study Abroad Experience

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity that can open up a whole new world of experiences, learning, and personal growth. But once you return home, how do you talk about your study abroad experience? It’s important to be able to articulate your experience effectively, whether you’re discussing it in a job interview or personal statement. In this section, we’ll cover some tips for talking about your study abroad experience and share some examples of students who did it effectively.

When discussing your study abroad experience, it’s important to focus on the skills and knowledge you gained during your time abroad. For example, did you learn a new language or improve your cross-cultural communication skills? Did you gain new insights into a different culture or gain a deeper understanding of global issues? These are all valuable experiences that can set you apart from other candidates in a job interview or personal statement.

One effective way to talk about your study abroad experience is to use specific examples or stories. For instance, you could share a memorable experience you had while travelling, or discuss a project you worked on that challenge you to think in new ways. By sharing these anecdotes, you’ll be able to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in a more engaging way.

One student who did this effectively is Sarah, who studied abroad in Spain for a semester. When discussing her experience, she focused on the language skills she gained and the cross-cultural communication experiences she had. For example, she talked about how she was able to have conversations with locals in Spanish and how she navigated cultural differences to form meaningful connections with people from different cultures.

By focusing on these specific examples, Sarah was able to convey the value of her study abroad experience in a way that was engaging and memorable.

  •  Set goals for your study abroad experience
  1. Academic goals
  2. Personal goals
  3. Professional goals

Setting goals for your study abroad experience can help you make the most of your time abroad and achieve meaningful outcomes. Academic goals might include taking certain courses, completing a research project, or mastering a new language. Personal goals might include exploring a new city or country, trying new foods, or developing new hobbies. Professional goals might include building a network of contacts in your field, gaining experience through internships or volunteer work, or learning about different industries and career paths.

One student who set and achieved study abroad goals is Anna, who spent a semester in Spain. Anna set goals for herself in all three areas: she took courses in Spanish language and literature to improve her language skills and deepen her understanding of the culture, she travelled extensively throughout the country to explore its history and art, and she interned at a local NGO to gain experience in her field of international development.

  • Immerse yourself in the culture

A. Learn the language

B. Try new foods

C. Participate in cultural events

One of the key benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture. To make the most of your study abroad experience, it’s important to be open to new experiences and to actively seek out opportunities to learn about the culture. Learning the language can be a great way to connect with locals and gain a deeper understanding of the culture. Trying new foods, participating in cultural events, and joining clubs or organizations can also help you connect with locals and get a sense of the local customs and values.

One student who immersed themselves in the culture while studying abroad is Juan, who spent a year in Japan. Juan took Japanese language classes and participated in language exchange programs to improve his language skills and make friends with locals. He also joined a traditional Japanese martial arts club and participated in cultural festivals and events, gaining a deep appreciation for the culture and making lasting connections with locals.

  • Overcome challenges

A. Homesickness

B. Culture shock

C. Academic challenges

Studying abroad can come with its fair share of challenges, from homesickness to culture shock to academic struggles. To make the most of your study abroad experience, it’s important to be prepared for these challenges and to develop strategies for overcoming them. Homesickness is a common challenge, and staying in touch with family and friends back home, finding a support network in your host country, and staying busy with activities and hobbies can help you overcome it. Culture shock can also be overwhelming, but staying curious and open-minded, learning about the local culture, and seeking out local support can help you adjust. Academic challenges can range from language barriers to differences in teaching styles, but seeking out resources and support, working with your professors and peers, and developing effective study habits can help you succeed academically.

One student who overcame challenges while studying abroad is Sarah, who spent a year in South Africa. Sarah struggled with homesickness and culture shock initially, but she found support through her study abroad program and local friends. She also struggled with the academic workload, as the teaching style and expectations were different from what she was used to, but she worked closely with her professors and utilized resources such as tutoring and study groups. Through perseverance and support, Sarah was able to overcome her challenges and have a successful study abroad experience.

  • Highlighting your study abroad experience on your resume

Studying abroad can be a valuable asset when it comes to your future career. It demonstrates cultural awareness, adaptability, language skills, and a global perspective, all of which are highly valued by employers. To showcase your study abroad experience on your resume, you can highlight specific skills you gained, such as language proficiency, intercultural communication, or problem-solving abilities. You can also include any academic or professional achievements during your study abroad, such as research projects, internships, or volunteer work. Finally, you can emphasize the personal growth and development you experienced during your studies abroad, such as increased confidence, independence, or resilience.

One student who highlighted their study abroad experience on their resume is Tom, who spent a semester in Germany. On his resume, Tom listed his language skills in German and his participation in a research project with a German professor. He also emphasized his experience living and studying in a different culture, noting his ability to adapt to new environments and work with people from diverse backgrounds.

What motivates students to study abroad

There are many benefits to studying abroad, from improving your language skills to gaining a deeper understanding of other cultures. But what motivates students to take the leap and study abroad? In this section, we’ll explore some common reasons why students decide to study abroad and share an example of a student who had a specific motivation for studying abroad.

One common reason why students decide to study abroad is to gain new perspectives and experiences. By living in a different country, you can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, customs, and ways of life. This can help you develop your cross-cultural communication skills and become a more globally-aware citizen.

Another common reason why students decide to study abroad is to improve their language skills. Immersing yourself in a foreign language environment is one of the most effective ways to improve your language skills and become fluent in a new language.

Finally, some students may have a specific motivation for studying abroad. For example, Hannah, who studied abroad in Japan, was interested in Japanese culture and wanted to learn more about it. By studying abroad in Japan, she was able to deepen her understanding of the country and its customs and gain new insights into a culture that she was passionate about.

How to overcome the challenges and hassles of studying abroad

Studying abroad can be an amazing experience, but it’s not without its challenges. From language barriers to culture shock, there are many obstacles that students may face while studying abroad. In this section, we’ll explore some common challenges faced by students studying abroad and share some strategies for overcoming those challenges.

One common challenge faced by students studying abroad is language barriers. If you’re studying in a country where you don’t speak the language fluently, it can be difficult to communicate with locals, navigate daily tasks, and keep up with coursework. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. This may mean taking language classes, seeking out language exchange opportunities with locals, and practising the language in your daily life.

Another challenge that students may face while studying abroad is culture shock. Being in a new environment with different customs, values, and ways of life can be overwhelming and disorienting. To overcome culture shock, it’s important to be open-minded and curious about the new culture. Take time to observe and learn about local customs, try new foods, and participate in cultural events and activities.

Finally, some students may face unexpected challenges while studying abroad. For example, Lily, who studied abroad in France, experienced unexpected health issues that made it difficult for her to participate in her coursework and travel. To overcome these challenges, she reached out to her study abroad program and local resources for support. By seeking out resources and support, she was able to overcome her challenges and have a successful study abroad experience.

Does study abroad look good on a CV?

If you’ve studied abroad, you may be wondering whether or not it’s worth including on your CV. The answer is a resounding yes! Studying abroad can demonstrate a variety of valuable skills and experiences that can set you apart from other candidates.

One benefit of including study abroad on your CV is that it demonstrates your cross-cultural communication skills. In today’s globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultures is highly valued by employers. Studying abroad also demonstrates your ability to adapt to new environments and think critically in challenging situations.

When including study abroad on your CV, it’s important to highlight the specific skills and experiences you gained during your time abroad. For example, you could mention the language skills you gained, the cross-cultural experiences you had, or any specific projects or coursework that you completed while abroad.

One student who successfully included study abroad on her CV is Juanita, who studied abroad in Italy. On her CV, she highlighted the language skills she gained, the cultural insights she gained, and the coursework she completed in Italian art history. By highlighting these specific experiences, she was able to demonstrate the value of her study abroad experiences to potential employers.


Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity that can open up a whole new world of experiences, learning, and personal growth. In this article, we’ve covered some tips for talking about your study abroad experience, explored common motivations for studying abroad, shared strategies for overcoming the challenges of studying abroad, and discussed the value of including study abroad on your CV.

By taking advantage of the opportunities that studying abroad offers you can gain valuable skills and experiences that will benefit you personally and professionally for years to come. So why not take the leap and explore the world by studying abroad?

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