10 Tips For Travelling on a Student Budget

Travelling is one of the best ways to broaden one’s horizon, learn about different cultures, and gain new experiences. However, travelling can be expensive, and many students believe that they cannot afford to travel. But with careful planning and a few tips, it is possible to travel on a student budget without sacrificing the quality of your experience. In this article, we will provide 10 tips for travelling on a student budget that will help you save money while still having a great time.

  • Plan Ahead

The first step in travelling on a student budget is to plan ahead. This means doing research on destinations and making a budget. Consider travelling during the off-season when prices are lower, and look for budget-friendly accommodations like hostels or vacation rentals. Look for free or low-cost activities like hiking, visiting local museums, or exploring the city on foot.

  • Transportation

Transportation can be one of the most tremendous expenses when travelling. To save money, choose budget-friendly transportation options like buses or trains. Use student discounts and travel passes when available, and pack light to avoid baggage fees. Taking advantage of public transportation can also be a great way to save money.

  • Food and Dining

Food is another significant expense when travelling, but there are ways to save money on dining. Opt for budget-friendly dining options like street food or local markets. Cook meals using a hostel or Airbnb kitchen, and bring snacks and water to save money while on the go.

  • Money-Saving Tips

There are many ways to save money while travelling on a student budget. Use student discounts and travel rewards programs when possible. Shop at local markets for souvenirs instead of expensive tourist shops. Consider using free walking tours or public transportation instead of expensive tours.

  •  Accommodations

Accommodations can be a significant expense, but there are many budget-friendly options available. Consider staying in hostels or Couchsurfing, and book accommodations in advance for better rates. Look for accommodations with free amenities like breakfast or Wi-Fi to save even more money.

  • Stay Flexible

Flexibility is key when travelling on a student budget. Be open to changing your travel plans if a better opportunity arises, like last-minute deals for accommodations or activities. Have a backup plan in case of unexpected travel expenses, like a delayed flight or unexpected weather conditions.

  • Travel with Friends

Travelling with friends can be a great way to save money and have some change for yourself. Split the cost of accommodations and transportation, and share meals and snacks to save money. Plan group activities to reduce expenses and make memories together.

  • Work and Travel Programs

Consider work and travel programs to offset travel costs. Look for internships or volunteer opportunities abroad, teach English, or work as an au pair for free accommodations and meals.

  • Save for Traveling

Saving money is an essential part of travelling on a student budget. Use apps like Mint or PocketGuard to budget your money, cut down on non-essential expenses, and set a savings goal. Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and on track.

  • Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is essential, especially when travelling on a budget. Research and compare travel insurance options, choose a plan that fits your needs and budget, and make sure you understand what the plan covers before purchasing.

What are some travel tips?

Travelling can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if you’re in a new place. Here are some travel tips to help you have a smooth and enjoyable trip:

  • Pack light: Bringing too much luggage can be a burden, especially if you’re travelling from place to place. Pack only the important items and leave room for souvenirs.
  • Keep your valuables secure: Theft and pickpocketing can happen anywhere. Keep your valuables secure and be security conscious of your surroundings. Consider using a money belt or keeping your valuables in a secure locker.
  • Research the culture and customs: Different places have different customs and traditions. Do some research on the place you’re visiting to avoid any cultural faux pas.
  • Learn some basic phrases: Learning a few basic phrases in the local language can go a long way. It shows that you’re making an effort to communicate and can make the locals more willing to help you.
  • Be open to trying new things: Traveling is all about new experiences. Be open to trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone.
  • Leave room for spontaneity: It’s important to have a plan, but don’t be afraid to deviate from it. Leave room for unexpected adventures and be open to changing your plans if something interesting comes up.

How can I save for travel fast?

Travelling can be expensive, but there are many ways to save money and make your travel dreams a reality. Here are some tips for saving for travel fast:

  1. Create a travel fund:

Set up and have a distinct savings account specifically for travel. This will help you see your progress and avoid dipping into your regular savings.

  • Set a budget

Determine how much money you need to save for your trip and create a budget. This will ensure you stay on track of your finances and avoid overspending.

  • Cut back on expenses:

Take a look at your monthly expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. This could include eating out less, cancelling subscriptions, or reducing your transportation costs.

  • Sell items you no longer need:

Sell items you no longer need or use, such as clothes, electronics, or furniture. This can not only help you declutter your space but also earn some extra cash for your travel fund.

  • Take on a side hustle:

Consider having a side hustle or part-time job so as to earn extra income. This could include freelancing, teaching online, pet-sitting, delivering food, etc.

  • Use travel rewards credit cards:

Consider using a travel rewards credit card to earn points or miles for travel expenses. Just be sure to pay off the balance in full each month to avoid interest charges.

How do you travel while studying?

Travelling while studying can be a wonderful and enriching experience, but it requires careful planning and budgeting. Travelling while studying can seem daunting, but it is definitely possible with some careful planning and budgeting. Here are some tips on how to balance travel with your academic responsibilities:

  1. Plan ahead: One of the most important things to do when you’re travelling while studying is to plan ahead. Make a schedule of your coursework, exams, and deadlines well in advance so that you can plan your travels around them. This will ensure that you don’t miss any important academic commitments while you’re away.
  2. Use your breaks wisely: Take advantage of your school breaks, such as spring break or summer vacation, to plan your travels. This will give you a longer period of time to travel without missing any classes or exams. It’s also a good idea to plan your trips for weekends or long weekends, so that you can still attend classes during the week.
  3. Look for student discounts: Many travel companies, airlines, and tourist attractions offer discounts to students. Make sure to take advantage of these discounts by doing your research ahead of time and looking for deals that are specifically geared towards students.
  4. Travel locally: You don’t have to travel far to have a great experience. Look for local destinations that are within a few hours’ drive or train ride from your school. This will save you money on airfare and allow you to take shorter trips without missing too much school.
  5. Budget carefully: Budgeting is key when it comes to travelling while studying. Make sure to calculate all of your expenses, including transportation, lodging, food, and activities, and set a realistic budget for yourself. Stick to your budget as much as possible to avoid running out of money while you’re away.
  6. Use online resources: There are many online resources available that can help you plan your travels while studying. Websites like StudentUniverse and STA Travel offer discounted travel packages and information about student discounts. You can also use online tools like Google Maps and Yelp to research and plan your itinerary.
  7. Communicate with your professors: Finally, make sure to communicate with your professors and let them know about your travel plans. They may be able to offer advice on how to balance your academic responsibilities with your travels, or even allow you to complete some coursework remotely while you’re away. By being upfront and communicative, you can ensure that your travels don’t negatively impact your academic progress.


Travelling on a student budget is possible with careful planning and a few tips. By being flexible, open-minded, and resourceful, students can experience the world without breaking the bank. Whether it’s exploring a new city, studying abroad, or volunteering abroad, travelling is an investment in personal growth and education that can last a lifetime. We hope these 10 tips for travelling on a student budget have been helpful and inspiring, and we encourage students to start planning their next adventure today.

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